Want to support the content creators in your life but don’t understand how?
I’ve been a full-time content creator for 4 years now (yay!), and this truly is what I love doing more than any other career I’ve had: lawyer, in-house counsel, head of content, debt collector, tattoo shop receptionist (although… that one was pretty fun), etc. When I visited family for the holidays, nearly every person asked how my husband and I make money by making content.
And when I say nearly everyone… I got this question from over 30 family members and dozens of strangers. It’s fascinating to me how it’s still taboo to talk about salaries as an employee, but there’s no shame in asking content creators how much they make and in what ways they make money. But I digress… a few years in; I’m very used to answering this question.
I said the same thing to every person: if you watch our full videos, you’re helping us make money. This is true for all content creators: consuming their content and sharing it with people that might be interested is the best way to offer support.
But let’s get a little more detailed…

3 ways you can support the content creators in your life (without spending any money yourself)
1. Watch videos to the end
Watching less than 30 seconds of a non-Shorts YouTube can actually harm content creators instead of help them. This basically signals to YouTube that the creator’s video sucks and shouldn’t be pushed to others.
Most social media platforms require a minimum watch time for the creator to get paid for that view! So, watching videos in their entirety helps content creators immensely and signals to algorithms that the content keeps your attention.
2. Engage with content
Write a comment that’s at least 5 words, give the video a like, share it with people you think would also like it, favorite it, save it offline, etc. Engaging with content signals to social platforms that the content provided you value and could provide others with value (including when that value is pure entertainment)!
If you really want to be an awesome supporter, leaving comments that have to do with the video helps even more because it improves the SEO of each piece of content.
For example, leaving a comment like “I can’t wait to explore all these beaches on my next trip to Lagos, Portugal!” on the video below will confirm to algorithms that the video is as described.
The BEST type of comment is an insightful question – if you have a question, chances are others do too. This is where the community side of social media starts to grow.
3. Hype them up!
Even though content creation is a pretty common career in 2025, people still treat it like it’s our fun little hobby. Creators tend to be a one-person team (I’m the exception and so grateful that Mike and I do this together). That means we’re the marketing, finance, legal, proposal, project management, IT, and every other team you can think of. It’s a lot of work!
No question it’s fun work that I enjoy, and I’m very grateful to do this for my career now… but it is still work.
Sometimes, the best way to support is to encourage and get hyped about their work. I’d say a fair assessment is that for every minute of video footage you see, it takes at least an hour to create. So, sharing with the creator that you’re loving a particular style of video or their series on a certain topic is a great way to support them!
The truth is: there is a lot of nuance to the financial side of content creation and each creator has several different income streams. Mike and I have three businesses that we founded and operate to provide the financial stability that we need to maintain being content creators full time. I wrote a blog about all the different ways content creators make an income if you want to take a deep dive.
But, now you know watching videos (or reading blogs), engaging, and hyping creators up are the easiest and most fun ways to support the content creators in your life!
Thank you for supporting us and tuning into our channel @RoamAwayFromHome! It’s because of this choice of career that we’re able to live in Portugal, and I couldn’t be more grateful.