We are a proud affiliate of Skyroam. Because of this, there are affiliate links throughout this post. We didn’t get paid to write this post – it just means we get a small commission when you purchase through a link – at no extra cost to you! In fact, you actually get 10% off Skyroam devices using code RLLS. All opinions are our own!
Doesn’t it seem like whenever you really need phone service or WiFi you just can’t get it? That’s how we felt on one of our craziest but most memorable trips while stuck in Dubrovnik, Croatia. I know it sounds dreamy… but we were stuck in the small airport for 6+ hours trying to work with flight insurance representatives to get on ANY flight to Greece.
The reason it took over 6 hours? Our WiFi connection! We could only call using WiFi with our carrier; the only WiFi we had access to was the employee WiFi, which required us to sit in one spot of the airport and booted us off every 5 minutes! Imagine you’re just about to book the flight and DING – call failure. Now imagine that happening about 100 times. From this experience, we learned that we do not want to be dependent on public WiFi ever again.
We knew we needed reliable, affordable service that could go with us anywhere. Shortly after that trip, I scheduled a solo international trip where I knew I did not want a repeat while traveling alone. I started researching the best hot spots, SIM cards, and wireless alternatives out there when I came across Skyroam. This portable WiFi device checked off all the boxes on my specific needs.
- option to pay as I go since I need it infrequently
- works in almost any country
- does not require a specific carrier
- portable and functional
- easy to use
- affordable
- durable (I break everything)
- 4G service

Bonus features that I didn’t know I’d use as much as I do now:
- doubles as a battery pack
- app interface that I can use to purchase additional day passes, as needed
- connects multiple devices at once (we’ve had my phone, Mike’s phone, his tablet, and my computer all connected at the same time with no issues)
I immediately purchased a Skyroam Solis (since upgraded to the Solis X) and have been using it for almost 2 years across the world. I even use it domestically when I have bad phone service! It works by connecting to the most reliable tower wherever you are. So if you’re on an island off the coast of Spain where your carrier is weak, instead of only connecting to your carrier’s partnered towers, you’ll connect to the best tower available. Which means you’re getting the best service.
I’ve recommended Skyroam to almost all my friends and family members, and the reason I feel comfortable doing so is because we really do use it all the time and there are several pricing options! Monthly, by the day, by the gigabyte, rent, or purchase depending on your travel needs. We purchased the device because we go out of the US multiple times per year. We use the day pass option because we’re usually abroad for a week at most. For someone that travels outside of the US infrequently, renting is the way to go. It simply shows up at your door, and you return it by mail once you get back.
Skyroam has made traveling and connecting wirelessly stress-free. When I’m on my solo trips, I know I can always get directions, reach Mike back home, and have a backup method for charging my phone/camera. When we’re together, we use Skyroam for our phone service and to do things like stream Netflix or check email. It has come in handy several times when Mexican and European hotels do not include WiFi.
We truly love Skyroam, but there are some things that it’s not… Keep in mind that it uses the local towers to give you WiFi. This means that you’ll be connected to the best service, but the best service is not always 4G. If you’re in a remote area, you might experience service that is 3G or slower because that’s all the service that’s available in the area. It is also not intended for intense internet usage like gaming or streaming. Although we’ve personally streamed Netflix many times, we’ve heard from others that video streaming has a lot of lag when using this device.
We also often get the question “Can you use Skyroam on cruises?”
Skyroam does not give you service when you’re out at sea. If your cruise ship is docked close to land, you’ll likely get service from a nearby tower.
With all that, I still highly recommend it to anyone looking for an alternative to paying the $15 charge for sub-par international service through your carrier. If you’re traveling with someone, Skyroam becomes more affordable right away because you can connect 5-10 devices at once!
Here’s a list of areas where we’ve successfully used Skyroam:
- London – UK
- Berlin – Germany
- Frankfurt – Germany
- Mallorca – Spain
- Seville – Spain
- Barcelona – Spain
- Madrid – Spain
- Rome – Italy
- Capri – Italy
- Marseille – France
- Cabo San Lucas – Mexico
- Seattle – United States
- Phoenix – United States